I simply must write in support of the poor women killed by this maniac, I refuse to give him the label and glory that pathetic idiots like this crave.

It really upsets me that the only thing the media seem interested in is in calling them prostitutes,well we are real people who happen to be doing a bloody hard and worthwhile job. These poor women are all somebody’s daughters,wives,mothers,sisters and everything that goes with all that, if they were secretaries,shop workers or whatever then the headlines would not bracket them under their chosen job so please let’s give these women the respect they deserve. I feel very sorry for any person that gets involved with drugs and all the problems that go with that plus the fact a lot of these girls are forced into the terrible life style they lead where they are having sex for a mere pittance. I am lucky that I chose to do this as a job because I happen to love doing what I do but there are a great many working girls who know that without qualifications it is one of the few chances they will ever have of earning the sort of money that most guys earn easily. I know that if, God forbid, anything terrible happened to me then even though I do another job and do voluntary social work the only label I would end up with is PROSTITUTE. As I say a good many of us are very lucky to be earning good money from a job we really love but please spare a thought and a prayer for the terrible and awful tragedy that has happened to these poor souls and think of the pain their families are going through with the way the media is treating them.

I detest violence and hate in every way but if this maniac is found guilty then I would  cover parts of him in honey and let the ants eat him slowly bit by bit

My thoughts are with every one of them and their families and friends.
